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Visitor FAQs

How to Create a Blog? First decide a topic on which you will like to blog. Read a little on net about it and visit others blog with same topic,so you get an idea what already on net and what you can share.

Once you are ready with it, visit . This site allows to create a free blog,You can also try at .

    We are talking here about .
  • ->Click Sign Up to create a account
  • ->Do the needful and get a Blogger account
  • ->Once you are registered, click Create a Blog link
  • ->Give appropriate title to blog, like my blogs title is "Make Money Blogging"
  • ->Write the name of blog, my blogs name is "Blog4coin", you need to check for the availability of that blogname as there are millions of blog.Just play with blog name,keep it catchy
  • ->Enter the security word given on that screen
  • ->Select the Layout, around 9-12 layouts are given,select anyone.(As you are just starting, select any layout and start blogging as we can change blogs layout afterwards also.
  • ->Create a Post, -This is the first post to your blog,so give a little introduction about the blog and what you are going to deliver here,what your readers should expect from you
  • ->Click Publish
  • ->Click "View Blog"

CONGRATULATIONS, you just published first post on your blog

I got to know about your blog,through my friend. Its real good tips you are sharing.I have read some of these in different blogs but not all in one till now.Keep the good work going Dude Thank You! I will try my level best to share the best for blogs

What other then Google Adsense can I use? You can use Inline text advs, Video advs, Audio Advs

Can I make earn enough from Google Depends on your traffic/visitor. But to rely only on one advertising is not very advisable. The more earning source you have the better.

I want to change color of my blog,please help After logging in to your blogger a/c go to
->Fonts N Color
->Choose color from color pallet ,
you can see display below,how your blog will lookf in the color you choose. If satisfied, "save changes"

How to get Google Advs on my blog,I am already registered with Adsense You can go to Adsense Setup then select advs,follow steps , get code and post the code where you want advs to appear.

    If you are on blogger, please follow these steps:
  • Log on to your blogger account.
  • Click on Layout.
  • You can see the space in center of screen titled "Blog Post", down on right you can see "edit" , click on it.
  • A Pop up will appear. You can see date,time there. I think 6-7down there is option "Show advs in post" , Just select it.
  • Then you will get options to select the size of advs, select which ever you want.
  • It takes at max 10mins for advs to appear in your blog.

How to get Google referral advs on my blog?
->Log in to your Google Adsense a/c
->Click Adsense Set Up
->Click Refferal (Third option on page)
->Choose Ad format (Optional)
->If you only have one target country,we advise to add one more either US or Canada or UK ,as then you get more options(If its already US/Canada/UK, skip the step)
->Search for the Product by entering keyword(optional)
->Scroll down you can see categories, select any of your visitor's interest(as they only have to use it,guess and choose)
->Get the code(Copy the code)
->Paste it in your blog where you want it, either in Post or in sidebar(Layout->Add a page element)

adsense setup for multiple blogs
    Here are the steps:
  • Log in to blogger
  • Click the blog in which you want to set Adsense
  • Click "Add a Gadget"
  • Click "Adsense" from Pop up window
  • Just below "Advance" you will see link for Adsense, click it, signing in with the current Adsense account details, provide publisher id
  • Save
And you are done!

I am on wordpress,what can I do for adsense Hey,I have not worked with wordpress, but as I wrote in my Google Adsense Article, you may trying putting the code.

I have got two links, you may found useful
10Best Wordpress Plugins for Google Adsense
Adsense Manager
One more way I found on net is:
Open an account with and then move yr blog there. They allow u to upload a template.Read for more tips

Can I earn enough from Google adsense on my one blog? I read somewhere on net "Don't put all your eggs in one blogging basket. Start multiple blogs on a variety of topics and domains, add a variety of income streams to your blogs. "
And its very true, the more you blog, the more visitor you get. Start a blog of topics which interest you and have as many blogs as you can manage. Some people make there living by blogging.
Varied topics you write, the more varied visitor will be there, more Advs impressions more chance of Advs clicks, more income.

How to show Recent Comments on blog,so that visitors don't have to click the Comment link? Yeah, I agree, visitors will not generally click the small comment link and its good to share with them without any hardwork.

->Log on to Blogger account
->Click on Layout
->Click "Add a Page Element"
->Click "Feed"
->Add the code "", replace YOURBLOGNAME with your blog name
->Select Comments to be displayed, maximum is 5
->Save it

And here it is on the sidebar.

How to add Channel to Google Adsense?
Add Channel to Google Adsense
->Login to Google Adsense
->Click Adsense setup
->select advs type ,ad unit or link unit
->Then you get a screen where button is given "add channel" put the words like movies or whatever channel you want in your advs
->keep pressing next till you get the code

How to added one google adsense account to more than one blog and ad should appear after every post? Its simple.
->Log on to blogger a/c
->Click Layout
->Click Blog Post(in center of screen)
->Check the box "Shows Adsense Ads" ->It will ask to login to your Google Adsense account.For verification purpose it will ask for:- Username, zip code or last five digits of phone number.Enter the details.
->Now select the banner size

And you have ads on your blog!!
Tip: Google Adsense allows three adv impressions in a page, to set total blog post in a page as 3,so every post will display ads

How to add others blog/website link on my blog? - Follow these steps
->Log on to blogger a/c
->Go to Layout
->Click "Add page element"
->Click "Link List"
->It will ask URL & title-Follow Instructions

How to set "blog post in center"? You need to use HTML code. Whatever you want in center, just before that write "<"center">" write your matter and close the tag "<"/center>".(Remove the quotes ",while using code). This will be the result
write your matter and close the tag

Can i use two inline text advertiser"? Yep! Sure you can. Only this blog of mine I am using Kontera and Adbrite.

how to write a blog on google?? I didn't get you! You want to have a blog with the topic "Google" or you are looking for free blogger service from Google? If second,read the first query in this section.

posting to search engines? We have a post on the blog, use the links on it to post your blog to search engines. Here you go List Blog in Search Engine

widgetbucks referrals? Yep! Widgetbuck has a referral scheme, you can read the details about WidgetBuck here, WidgetBucks

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Unknown said...


This was very informative.

Could you please guide on how do you earn after creating the blog and at what cost?


Vandita Tiwari said...

Earning from blog is free, join the sites and start displaying the ads

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