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Should I blog on blogger or wordpress?

When I started blogging on 11th feb '08, I didn't knew about WordPress at all. Got some blogs on Blogger /blogspot and thought of going with it.

Previously I had at geocities, but its not a blog, I just upload the pictures of jewelery, I make, on it. As I had been a programmer so did the whole coding there.

Then I started blogging on Blogger,with my first blog My-Gravy-Train . Traffic was slow and I was going with free advertising as then I was not earning enough online to spend on a blog. I read many sites/blogs and after a few months of blogging I was convinced that, I made a bad decision, I should have chosen WordPress. Some blogs/sites mentioned, blogger is a google tool so google search engine skips it while searching. I read it so many times that I started a blog on WordPress,for a day, then some how I felt more familiar and comfortable with blogger,so continued on it.

As usual, I was going with my free advertising and slowly slowly my traffic was increasing. Traffic flow was not only from free traffic sites but Google mainly and yahoo, ask and few more.

Largely traffic was from Google search engine.

It is the fact the Blogger is google product. Though many mention it as disadvantage on contrary its a benefit.

Once we make a website or post a article on a blog, for new website/blog to appear on Google search engine it takes around 3 months to 5 months. Then Google will crawl your blog/website and add in its index.

While with Blogger, any blog or new post added to Blogger in immediately indexed in Google search engine database which helps receiving traffic the moment your blog/post is published.

So you save your time of waiting for traffic.

Again its a free way to generate traffic to your blog and in this one, no efforts are needed as simply publish your post and you are on your way to traffic.

Do you have a blog on any other provider other than Blogger? How is your experience of traffic from search engine on it?

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